Alex: Tell me a bit about yourself. Your background; where you were brought up; when you first began writing; your interests and so on.
Alex: How would you describe your writing, and are there particular themes that you like to explore?
Bill: While I’ve published books in multiple genres, I tend to come back to nonfiction, specifically nature, memoir and travel. Much of it could be called nonfiction narrative. I write what I love to read, and that often falls into each, sometimes all, of these classifications. I feel great writing can supersede genre parameters. If the story’s a good one, written exceptionally well, then it ought to be shared and enjoyed. This is something I strive to accomplish each time I put pen to paper, or more accurately, finger to keyboard.
Alex: Are you a writer that plans a detailed synopsis or do you set out with a vague idea and let the story unfold as you write?
Bill: I certainly start out with a plan, but rarely have a detailed synopsis. Each of my books has begun as vignettes, sensory experiences and visceral encounters or recollection. These form the narrative, gelling into an arc, plot or theme, with the story revealing itself from there. I’m still methodical in structure and cohesive flow, but find myself often panning for gold, letting intuition guide me. If it reads well, is smooth and evocative, I’ll carry on, knowing a unique route will appear. If not, I’ll let that path be, for a while, knowing it’ll become clear eventually.
Alex: Tell us about your latest book.
Bill: I’ll share a great quote and blurb. “Witty, well-read, effortlessly entertaining, Arnott may be the perfect travel companion.” This is from Thomas Lundy at Canadian Geographic Magazine, referring to Gone Viking III. (He received an advance copy). The book is another epic adventure as I trek the ancient world to unearth Viking secrets and reveal history’s most elusive treasure, the Holy Grail. I’d been granted a fellowship at London’s Royal Geographical Society for my previous Gone Viking expeditions, and now I take readers on a new excursion following legendary explorers – Scandinavians, Celts, and Arthurian knights – across Europe and into the Arctic. Together, readers and I share some adventures, learn a bit of history, and have a few laughs. In my role as narrator I serve as companion and guide on this quest, unearthing firsthand discoveries in Viking Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Britain, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Poland, and Jerusalem. A few years of intense travel and research, captured in 300-pages.
Alex: What other books have you written?
Bill: Gone Viking III: The Holy Grail, is the final installment of the Gone Viking travelogue trilogy. Following the success of the first book, my publishing team at RMBooks and I felt a trilogy made sense, and that “the story,” or in this case my travel expeditions, could be completed and effectively communicated in this manner. Each book is distinct, yet builds upon its predecessor. So, prior to this I wrote Gone Viking: A Travel Saga and Gone Viking II: Beyond Boundaries. While international travel was on hold, I spent an incredible season travelling close to home, and created the memoir A Season on Vancouver Island, another bestselling travelogue, in which I include my painted photos from the excursion. (I turn photos into stylized paintings using a series of customized apps). That southwest corner of British Columbia is a gorgeous part of the world and I happened to be there for three months of spectacular weather, so the artwork captures vibrant blue skies and ocean, rich forest greens, and a unique array of wildlife.
Alex: What are your interests aside from writing? And what do you do to unwind?
Bill: My social media handle, @billarnott_aps, refers to my being an author, poet, and songwriter, which is essentially how I unwind. I often find myself doing all three activities every day, jumping between creative outlets to stimulate all of it. And I love being outside whenever possible. Walking, hiking, running, ideally near water or trees. I’m a bit of an amateur ornithologist, so I love watching birds, and am frequently delighted to enjoy encounters with rather exotic animals and plants even in the heart of an urban metropolis. Although it could be considered work, I spend a great deal of time connecting with readers, replying to questions, hearing people’s stories, along with visiting bookstores and presenting to various associations. We’ve established a fabulous group of engaged readers, our #GoneVikingCommunity, in which people share photos of themselves with their copies of the Gone Viking books, often in a playful location or occasionally somewhere ridiculous. It’s a great deal of fun, with a wonderful, growing audience. It’s a genuine privilege to be part of it all. Thank you again Alex, for this great connection and opportunity, and I wish you continued success with your excellent books as well!Alex: My pleasure, Bill. Thank you for sharing your writing journey with us. Readers can learn more about Bill and his writing by visiting his website at
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